How to Unlock Your Intuition

How to Get Through The Holidays After a Loss
December 15, 2021
Do Bad Dreams Haunt You After A Loss?
January 6, 2023
Happy or Sad? Friendly or Shy?

There is no magic bullet or special talent needed

Your first impression about a person, pet, or place can be a powerful tool when applied properly.

For instance, gaze at this photo and jot down your first impressions. 

  • Is this dog happy or sad?
  • Is he friendly and outgoing or shy and nervous? 
  • Does this dog have low, medium, or high energy levels? 

I’ll share the answers below but it is important to know that we all have the ability to connect with animals. It is a skill we develop with practice and guidance. 

I’m sure you have past experiences when you meet someone for the first time and you instantly hit it off. Or perhaps the opposite happened and you couldn’t get away from them fast enough. 

That is your intuition sending you ‘alert’ messages that are usually quite accurate. 

Have you ever visited a new place and got the creeps? Or maybe you felt as if you had been there before and had a warm, welcoming feeling.

That is your intuition giving you subtle clues to either flee from danger or nestle in.


Now, in the photo above the dog you gazed at is very friendly, he has medium energy levels, and he is a very happy boy. His name is Gunner and he made his transition to the Other Side many years ago. He is very loved and very missed. 


How did you do?

If you got at least one answer correct good job! 

Post a comment or question below.


Animal communication is natural and if you have pets you are already connecting on non-verbal levels. There are simple steps to building the foundation of understanding their thoughts and feelings. 

Paying attention to your first impressions is the key to unlocking your natural abilities and is the first step to unlocking your intuition. 

It’s that simple. 

If you didn’t do so well, fear not as you are in very good company. I didn’t get anything right when I first started my journey. It took many practice sessions but I stuck to it and now look at where I am. 

If I can do this so can you!

For more tips and guidance be sure to opt-in on the HOME page or join us on Animal Communication Planet a private group on Facebook.  


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Karen is an award-winning animal communicator and best-selling author who specializes in pet loss and the afterlife. She has documented her journey with her heartwarming and inspirational books, The Pet I Can’t Forget, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals and Hear All Creatures.
She also offers a free app and animal communication coaching programs for all skill levels as well as loving support and guidance for those struggling with the loss of a beloved companion.
Karen is the CEO and founder of Painted Rain Ranch Animal Sanctuary a non-profit charity that serves as a final refuge for elderly, special needs, and abandoned companion animals. Karen saves the pets no one else wants on her 30-acre farm in the Inland Pacific Northwest. Proceeds from Karen’s books and coaching benefit the animals at the sanctuary.
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  1. Tracey Stanley says:

    Hi Karen,
    I just started following you on Facebook after reading your books. First, let me say how grateful I am because your books were the only things that helped me through the loss of my 19-year-old cat, Genevieve’s recent passing. I read many other books and none of them resonated with me like yours. I have never felt such pain before. I want so desperately to connect with her and so I gave this a try. My first impressions were that Gunner is high energy, happy, and friendly. So, I only got one wrong. I am shocked that it is that simple!

    I’ve downloaded your app and I plan to continue following the steps in your handbook.

    Thank you for all you do and all the broken hearts you help mend.

    • Avatar photo Karen Anderson says:

      I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Genevieve. It is so painful and devastating to lose someone you love. You are both so lucky to have each other. That is a beautiful long love story. Thank you for the kind words about my books. I’m honored to be a positive part of your journey. I’m so excited that you got two answers right! Yay you! To be honest, Gunner had high energy moments as he was a very good protector of the ranch so you actually got them all right! Congratulations! I encourage you to keep that momentum going as your abilities accumulate so each time you practice you add another layer. Sending love and healing.

      • Kathy says:

        Good morning Karen,
        I got 2 right about Gunner. I said high energy because I could see him moving in circles like when he encounters his people. He has a welcoming spirit.

        • Avatar photo Karen Anderson says:

          That’s awesome! Of course, he had times when he was excited just like you described. Overall, he was a middle-of-the-road kind of boy. Now, keep that momentum going! You are on your way to unlocking your intuition. Check out my private Facebook group for more opportunities to practice. Search Animal Communication Planet

  2. Martin says:

    Hey Karen…Martin here. I’m an old guy and I just want to know if my dog, Baxter is still with me. I lost him two years ago and I still miss him so much. I did what you said with gunnar and I actually felt a warm glow come over me. I have never had that happen before? Is that a message? I got that he is happy and friendly too. I hope I’m doing this right. Thanks for helping us old folks! Your books are right next to me and really helped me when I had to say goodbye to Baxter. God Bless!

    • Avatar photo Karen Anderson says:

      I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet boy, Baxter. I remember when you wrote to me after his transition and I hope you are doing well. Thank you so much for the kind feedback about my books. They are a legacy of love and provide answers and insight to those who are struggling with a loss. I’m super excited about the warm glow you got! That is a message! Sometimes when I was conducting a session I would have a wave of warmth wash over me or I’d sense a glowing energy. Yes, yes yes! Great job on the other answers too! You are on your way to connecting with your boy. Just practice first so you know what a message feels like and looks like. Sending blessings,love and healing…

  3. Lisa T. says:

    I tried to do this and I am not sure I am doing it right. I felt like I just knew this dog was happy but I didn’t hear anything or see anything. I just felt happy. Is that right?

    • Avatar photo Karen Anderson says:

      Yes, that is correct. When you just know something or it just comes into your being that is a message. They can be very subtle and it can be a challenge to tell the difference between your thought and an actual message. That’s why it is so important to practice often. You’ll begin to sense messages quicker and with more detail and accuracy as you go. A sense of knowing is one of the main ‘clairs’ commonly referred to as Claircognizance. That is when you can’t quite explain how you know something you shouldn’t know. It’s like a download of information. Congrats! That is probably your primary ‘clair’. Now, keep practicing!

  4. Joanne says:

    Okay, I may be imagining this but I thought I saw him going in circles. Am I crazy?

    • Avatar photo Karen Anderson says:

      Not crazy at all in fact you are right on the money! Gunner would spin around when he got excited, happy, or wanted to play. Seeing that image is called ‘clairvoyance’. It doesn’t last long in fact it happens in a flash. That is so exciting! Now, keep practicing!

  5. Arlene says:

    I gave it a try and I was delighted to see that I got two impressions correct! This is so fun! I’m going to try again. Thank you for your loving support and all you do for those who wish to understand their pets.

    • Avatar photo Karen Anderson says:

      That’s a great start! Congratulations! Now, pay attention to how you received that information. Going forward, when you receive messages in that manner never doubt them. That is your dominant ‘clair’.

  6. Bob says:

    I felt very comfortable saying to myself this doggie looks very friendly,very happy and has a medium energy level.

    • Avatar photo Karen Anderson says:

      Hi Bob, sorry for the delay I had some issues with my site. Great job on the connection with this dog! He was very friendly, very happy, and right in the middle for energy levels. Wonderful! Keep practicing and strengthening your skills. I have a practice group on Facebook or my online course for beginners. You are already able to tune in so the course will be perfect for you.

  7. Joy M Epperhart says:

    I lost a puppy 3 days ago in a tragic accident. I miss her so much and I hope she is around in spirit, because my heart is having a hard time.

    • Avatar photo Karen Anderson says:

      I am so sorry for your loss. It is devastating to lose someone you love so much. Never worry about those in the afterlife. They are safe and perfect in every way. You can send your angel love by saying her name, talking about your favorite memories with her, and filling her up with spiritual fuel, which is simply love. As you move through the pain from grief, do something nice for yourself, in her honor. Kindness to a stranger or to another animal also sends out huge waves of love she will benefit from. I hope you have opted in as a VIP on my HOME page for ongoing support. My books can help ease your pain too. Sending love and healing

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