Meet Our Newest Rescues Maui & Kona

Don’t fall into the icy creek…
November 17, 2023
Chinese, Korean & German Translation
April 22, 2024

These two kitties are our newest additions to the sanctuary. 

Maui is the gray kitty, and Kona is the black one.


These two precious kitties were in the shelter for over 400 days, and no one wanted them.

They waited so long for someone to give them a chance.

Both came from a hoarder house and suffer from stomatitis (mouth and gum ulcers). To prevent serious infections, they both had all their teeth extracted.

They were not socialized as kittens and are semi-feral, meaning they are uncomfortable around humans.

They are young adults who have suffered through deplorable conditions.

Weighing just 5 lbs, they were underweight and suffering.

Kona appears to be older, but the exact age is unknown, maybe three to five years old.

They will need to be on a special diet, and most of all, they need lots of time, patience, and loving care.

Every precious life matters! 

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Karen is an award-winning animal communicator and best-selling author who specializes in pet loss and the afterlife. She has documented her journey with her heartwarming and inspirational books, The Pet I Can’t Forget, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals and Hear All Creatures.
She also offers a free app and animal communication coaching programs for all skill levels as well as loving support and guidance for those struggling with the loss of a beloved companion.
Karen is the CEO and founder of Painted Rain Ranch Animal Sanctuary a non-profit charity that serves as a final refuge for elderly, special needs, and abandoned companion animals. Karen saves the pets no one else wants on her 30-acre farm in the Inland Pacific Northwest. Proceeds from Karen’s books and coaching benefit the animals at the sanctuary.
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  1. Bess says:

    Oh, Karen! This is beautiful! Thank you so much for helping these cats. What a angel you are for giving them a chance at a good life.

    I just send my donation in and will share this story on my pages.

    • Avatar photo Karen Anderson says:

      You are so kind and made my day so much brighter! I appreciate your support and every donation helps. I’ve sent you a private message please check. Blessings…

  2. Marcia Sampson says:

    This is the most wonderful story. Thank you for saving these two kitties. My heart goes out to all the animals that are overlooked at shelters. I cannot have pets here, but always wanted to do this. Thank you so much for creating your sanctuary and giving them a home.

    • Avatar photo Karen Anderson says:

      Thank you so much for your loving support. We rely on donations like yours to provide ongoing care for these precious souls. I just received your donation and want to say thank you from all of us! I sent you a private message please check. Blessings….

  3. Greg Martin says:

    Karen, I do TNR in my area of south Texas with feral and semi-feral cats (and a few dogs). I wish you were closer, I would love to partner with you and save even more. Thank you for this wonderful work you do on behalf of the animals in need.

    • Avatar photo Karen Anderson says:

      I am a TNR person from way back! The 1990s was when I began trapping. I ended up with quite a few cats that I felt I could help overcome their fear of humans. It is a thankless job so THANK YOU for the TNR work you do! For those who do not know, TNR stands for Trap – Neuter – Return. It is a way of controlling the feral populations and also returning them to their colonies to live out their lives after a healthy dose of vet care. I think my TNR numbers were about 300 cats. About 25 were either fostered by me or I found them a loving home. I appreciate you, Greg! Blessings

  4. Amy says:

    Karen, I just found you on Youtube and had to reach out. Your work is mind-blowing, not only helping those of us who are in deep grief but also helping the animals no one wants. I am truly inspired by you and have opted into all your channels and offerings. I’ll be sending a donation monthly to show my support. I read your book, The Pet I Can’t Forget, and it has become my constant companion. Whenever I get those moments of overwhelming grief I pick up your book and read the GOOD GRIEF chapter. Thank you so so much!

    • Avatar photo Karen Anderson says:

      Thank you so much for all the love and support! Proceeds from my books and courses benefit the sanctuary so you are helping by purchasing those items. I followed my heart and only listened to the voice in my head. Otherwise, I’d be working at a random job somewhere feeling empty and unfulfilled. I appreciate your kindness and love so much. The Good Grief chapter is powerful so I’m glad it is helping you. Be sure to get copies of my two other books too, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals and Hear All Creatures. Many blessings…

  5. T. J. M. says:

    You saved me. I wasn’t going to stay here but your books and podcasts gave me hope. I cannot thank you enough. Your love for animals and humans goes beyond anything I have ever felt before. I signed up as a monthly donation to help your sanctuary. God Bless You Karen Anderson. You gave me life.

    • Avatar photo Karen Anderson says:

      I am so sorry you were in such a dark place. It is overwhelming to lose someone you love. Finding a way out can seem impossible. I am honored to be a positive part of your journey. Your kindness has humbled me, and I am so grateful I helped you find the hope and healing you deserve. Thank you for your donation and please check for a private message. Blessings…

  6. Brenda says:

    Marzipan and I want to say THANK YOU for all you do! I just saved her from the shelter. After I watched your videos I decided I could do the same thing so I brought her home last week. She is older, about 17, has a heart murmur and is blind in one eye. Her family abandoned her when her primary caretaker went into assisted living. She was so sad and scared. She had been there for almost a year and had no applications for adoption. But now we are getting to know each other and every day is a bit better. Thank you so much, Karen. I have so much love to give her, and you made me realize it!

    • Avatar photo Karen Anderson says:

      How wonderful for both of you! Oh my goodness, this made me so happy! Congratulations to you both and I hope you have many happy years together. Thank you for sharing and sending you many blessings…

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