Three things that can change your life

Unexpected visitors
January 17, 2025
Finding Comfort After Pet Loss: 3 Healing Steps You Need to Know
March 12, 2025

No matter where you are on your journey these three questions can change your life. 

  1. What would you regret if you died today?
  2. Are you happy with the impact you have made?
  3. What would you change if you got a second chance?

What pops into your mind? Sit with those thoughts for a while. 

Be in that space and listen to what your heart is telling you.

What is calling to your heart and soul?

If animal communication is calling to you, I’d love to share everything I have learned with you. If it is something else, go for it! Be that person who is doing what they love. My online course is perfect for beginners or those who want personal coaching and feedback from me. Read more

Many years ago, when I was at a fork in the road, I asked myself those questions. The answers changed the course of my life forever in such amazing and powerful ways.

Never let anyone or anything stand in the way of your peace and happiness.

This is the sunrise from the deck. I’ll never get tired of watching the colors dance across the sky. 

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Karen is an award-winning animal communicator and best-selling author who specializes in pet loss and the afterlife. She has documented her journey with her heartwarming and inspirational books, The Pet I Can’t Forget, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals and Hear All Creatures.
She also offers a free app and animal communication coaching programs for all skill levels as well as loving support and guidance for those struggling with the loss of a beloved companion.
Karen is the CEO and founder of Painted Rain Ranch Animal Sanctuary a non-profit charity that serves as a final refuge for elderly, special needs, and abandoned companion animals. Karen saves the pets no one else wants on her 30-acre farm in the Inland Pacific Northwest. Proceeds from Karen’s books and coaching benefit the animals at the sanctuary.
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  1. Cherilynn Meyers says:

    Karen, the timing of this is stopping me in my tracks. I’ve been soul-searching and meditating and coming up blank. I was afraid of the unknown. The advice you shared resonated but I realize I’ve been receiving hints from the Universe this whole time. I was just too scared to listen. I’m boldly stepping forward and stepping into my truth. Thank you for being the voice in my head that I so desperately needed to hear.

  2. Jeffrey D. says:

    These are such great questions. Simple yet so powerful. Thank you Karen! I have followed you for over ten years and you always bring clarity into my life. Many blessings.

  3. Denise Parker says:

    This makes so much sense. I am a huge fan of yours and read all your posts. I’m ready to make my future happen and create the life I always wanted. I’m a big believer in the laws of attraction just like you. I am now manifesting my best life.

  4. Tonya K. says:

    Do I have to keep asking this or is it a one-time thing? What if I change my mind or have new goals? I don’t want to mess it up.

    • Keep asking. The more times you do the more times this sends those energetic waves out into the Universe. The Law of Attraction will bring what you ask for. If you change your mind, simply say: “I replace (____) with this (new goal)

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